Are you maximising the interest rate returns and the level of FSCS protection, to which you are entitled, on your savings? It is estimated that up to 80% of savings held on deposit are not being actively managed and are therefore not achieving as much as they could. This is just one of the many reasons why we now offer a cash management service to our customers. Our service leaves full control and ownership of all savings 100% in your hands, and it will:

  • Create the best portfolio structure for your savings
  • Identify the best and most suitable savings accounts
  • Facilitate the management of the accounts, and
  • provide you with a secure online management system to help you keep track of your money.

From as little as £10,000 on deposit, to any amount thereafter, we can show you how to manage your savings to maximise the value you receive!

MOST IMPORTANTLY, with our service, your savings never leave your hands or your control. We simply provide the information and the completed documentation to allow you to access the best savings accounts available within the UK.

Using our online system makes the management of savings very simple and straightforward. All of the difficulties associated with finding the best rates, understanding which savings providers have the FSCS protection and completing the applications are removed.

What do we do?

  • We only use savings providers situated within the UK and registered under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
  • We help you to structure the best savings portfolio for your requirements.
  • We provide automatic reminders on account maturities.
  • We notify you when new accounts are available which offer higher rates.
  • We complete the application forms for each account selected.
  • We maximise the level of FSCS protection that is available.
  • We provide annual reviews on your savings as interest rates change and new offers become available.
  • We provide annual reports detailing the performance of your savings and the best structure for your savings for the following 12 months. Overall, you are always in control but we help you to achieve the best results!

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For more information please call Rowena Griffiths on 0203 301 1248.